by Charlotte Steneloo | 2013, Jun, Wed | MANUEL - SA & more |
Status June 2013 As usual he eats loads and loads of food at the end of the shedding period. Long before he got SA we always added extra vitamins and minerals to his food during this period as we saw the shedding is tough on a dog. Feelings of grief but also anger The...
by Charlotte Steneloo | 2013, Mar, Thu | MANUEL - SA & more |
Manuel is shedding I have let Manuel wear his “loose coat” since it is still very cold outside but today I could not keep my fingers away. He has looked like a very neglected dog since the loose fur has been handing on the attached hair in chunks. Anyhow,...
by Marita Johnsson | 2013, Jan, Tue | KARI - SA, Hips & more |
Igår var vi hos sjukgymnasten med Kari Där blev hon ordentligt undersökt och behandlad. Kari fick TNS-behandling (Transkutan Elektrisk Nervstimuleringen) och djupmassage från öron till svans. Hela ryggen och alla ben ända ut i varenda tå. Vintern med kyla och halka...