by Saija Tenhunen | 2013, Jul, Sat | -Research |
Wohoooo! Finally they have found gene what is connected to the dog allergies/atopy! We might get gene test at some point! Best news in long long time Here you can read about...
by Charlotte Steneloo | 2013, Apr, Mon | MANUEL - SA & more |
Before SA – no ear issues at all Manuel has never ever had any issues what so ever his ears, not even when bathing. His ears have alway been highly functional. I have never removed any hairs inside them. I cleaned them when going to shows, but there was no...
by Charlotte Steneloo | 2013, Mar, Thu | MANUEL - SA & more |
Manuel is shedding I have let Manuel wear his “loose coat” since it is still very cold outside but today I could not keep my fingers away. He has looked like a very neglected dog since the loose fur has been handing on the attached hair in chunks. Anyhow,...
by Marita Johnsson | 2013, Jan, Tue | KARI - SA, Hips & more |
Igår var vi hos sjukgymnasten med Kari Där blev hon ordentligt undersökt och behandlad. Kari fick TNS-behandling (Transkutan Elektrisk Nervstimuleringen) och djupmassage från öron till svans. Hela ryggen och alla ben ända ut i varenda tå. Vintern med kyla och halka...