Share information on Akita Unleashed

We want to spread information about different diseases that Akitas can suffer from in a transparent manner.

Therefore we rely on that you are willing to share your and your Akitas stories.

what kind of information can I share?

Maybe you want to write a summary (XX’s story) or perhaps you want to share data (Facts about XX) or even start writing in a blog (XX’s blog)?

It does not matter – all kinds of information is valuable and all kinds of perspectives.

Do you have notes from “the past”? They can be published connected to the correct time period.

How can I share information on AU?

We understand that you might not be:

  • skilled in web publishing
  • interested in web publishing

However, we offer several solutions that will make the publishing easier for you.

We publish the information for you

That works just fine!

You can fill in our “facts about dog XX” template or if you have more extensive information/diaries we can put those in a blog for you.

You become a blogger at Akita unleashed

That is great!

You can be granted access so you can use our easy-to-use templates and documentation. Of course you can also get a “hands-on” introduction via a video meeting or a collaboration tool.



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