I found a very interesting study the other day that I want to share with you. Even if it is a small study I believe it is very relevant - as also discussed in relation to humans. What does (lack of) microbes in our diets do to the immune defence? Read the article here...
Macrothrombocytopenia or Thrombocytopenia?
Why inocorrect treatment could be fatal!Recently there was a veterinary journal article about three Akitas with a persistent macrothrombocytopenia. Macrothrombocytopenia and thrombocytopenia Laboratory findings of this condition are: a low platelet count with...
Akita Genetic Diversity test – result phase 2
What has happened and what is next step? Below you can read about the result from phase one, and what is going to happen next (phase two). Result of the first phase are now published The first phase of the Akita Genetic Diversity Test for Japanese Akitas and American...
A conversation about SA in Japanese Akita with Dr. Pedersen
"Looking into Sebaceous adentitis" The article covers a very interesting SA discussion between Dr. Pedersen and Peter van der Lugt. Some of the areas discussed How is SA inherited?Is it autosomal recessive with partial penetrance - no that is a Misconception ...
Akita Genetic Diversity test – result phase 1
Result from phase 1 is now available Check out the result here!
Akita Genetic Diversity test – phase 2
Big thanks to all who took part on this first phase! Second phase started; Akita diversity test People are now ordering their sample kits and we can wait for the results. Dr Pedersen told us that first results for the breed (no individual results as those are private)...
Akita Genetic Diversity test – project update
The Veterinary Genetics Laboratory (VGL) of the University of California, Davis, in collaboration with Dr Niels C. Pedersen, has started the research phase to develop a canine genetic diversity test for Akitas. Genetic diversity project update At the moment,...
Akita Genetic Diversity test!
Diversity test for Akitas UC Davis and Dr. Niels C. Pedersen and staff have now started the research phase with Akitas to develop a canine genetic diversity test for the breed. This test is already available for Italian Greyhounds and Standard Poodles. The test will...
Contribute to research with blood-samples from dogs with VKH
AU got an e-mail the other day with very interesting information. The following text is copied/pasted from the original e-mail VKH-research needs blood samples We are pleased to report that Vetogene - Veterinary Medicine Research Centre, University of Milan - starts...
Akitas in Denmark gave blood for research
Both Japanese and American contributed and the blood is on it's way to Finland. /Akita Unleashed Admin Six Akitas contributed in Denmark! Once again we met several Akitas & American Akitas...
Danish contribution to Akita-research
Contribute to research in Denmark on Saturday! On Saturday, we have our annual meeting of Akita and American Akita in Denmark. The purpose with his meeting is to have a nice day where we meet and talk about the dogs. Every year we also try to have a topic or activity...
Take part and make a better future for all Akitas!
Participate to research in order to get new gene tests! Gene testing is a way to make dogs healthier, but we don’t get new gene tests to improve the health if we don’t participate to the research! There is ongoing research for all dogs in Finland and this is lead by...