Kumi has big problems with two of her paws One paw in front has a wound over the claw. She licks a lot so the white fur becomes discolored. Under the paw between the pads it is quite swollen and she’s had difficulties to touch down the paw to the ground. Unfortunately...
After some years with Atopic Dermatitis (allergies)
Kumi has now the best coat ever in her life This is despite the fact that she is living with Atopic Dermatitis (allergies). Still she had some unbalanced skin in forehead this passed weeks. Quite dry skin and a small area close to her right eye like an open hole in...
Spring time – the allergy situation has drastically changed
The pollen season and loosing coat Loosing coat has been the worst time ever for Kumi because her skin and fur become dry and exposed to pollen. The worst parts this time are not (as usually) the armpits and between her back-legs but in the forehead, on the back and...
An article about Kumi’s allergy
Here is an article (in Swedish) about Kumi's allergy that has been published in the club-magazines of the Swedish, Norwegian and Finnish Akita clubs.
Without Artuvetrin!
The hyposensitization attempt did not work Kumi has been without Artuvetrin for about 6 months. Still I do not notice any difference compared to when she was on the treatment. Artuvetrin is used for Hyposensitization. However not all dogs respond to it and it works...
The paws are quite OK but now the skin is itchy
Kumi's skin is very dry and she is biting and licking a lot Her paws are quite unaffected at the moment. She has infected areas such as groins and armpits with a few pimples here and there. Her legs are very dry and the skin and fur is darker in colour due to her...
Kumi’s paws are very affected by the allergy
She is biting an licking her paws a lot Since last time I wrote here she was doing much better after just a few days with Cortavance, but now she is much worse than for a long time. Even though I know she will be better again when the pollen season has settled, it is...
Oh noo – the pollen season has started!
Pollen Allergy The pollen season has started here in the west coast of Sweden and that is no good for a dog with pollen allergy. When we checked Kumi's allergy when she was about one year old she shown allergy towards pollen, mostly birch (Betula l.) and alder trees...
Kumi has currently very dry skin
Kumi has very dry skin and almost no undercoat However, she still has some undercoat around the neck left. She is itching her body a lot and biting her legs about a hundred times a day. Her ears are very dry and dirty. She has got one claw that is a bit brown in color...
Kumi is shedding! Will the allergy become worse?
Kumi is now shedding her undercoat She has a very healthy coat I can tell by brushing her fur. It is actually so good that she got her Swedish show-championship a couple of weeks ago! Currently her only "medication" for her allergy is Artuvetrin and she is getting...
Kumi’s allergy is currently not too bad
Today, Kumi is fine except for some discolored fur between pads and toes due to earlier licking of paws. I will write about Kumi and her problems with allergy when there are changes in Kumi's condition but perhaps also write about Kumi's condition back in time....
Blisters on her belly
Here you can see how it looks after she has been licking her belly.