by Joanna Dawson | 2013, Jan, Thu | ANGEL-SA & more |
MEDICINE IS EXPENSIVE After being on Atopica since summer. I pay £75+ vat, 20% here, so £90, for 14 x 100 mg tablets. That’s including a discount from the vets as they are nice and give rescue charities a discount! I dread to think how much they would be without a...
by Joanna Dawson | 2012, Aug, Sat | ANGEL-SA & more |
Poorly skin AngelJust had a bath. August 2012 AngelPoorly skin. August 2012 AngelSlightly better end of August...
by Joanna Dawson | 2012, Jul, Sat | ANGEL-SA & more |
I thought she was going to have to be put to sleep at this...
by Joanna Dawson | 2012, Jul, Thu | ANGEL-SA & more |
A nasty attack Before and after she had the scabs removed from her eyes. It was horrible, and I thought she was going to have to be put to sleep if it didn’t stop attacking her. It started attacking her head as well….. The last pic is after she had the scabs removed,...
by Joanna Dawson | 2012, Jun, Wed | ANGEL-SA & more |
Poor Angel This is before she went on Atopica and before she was diagnosed with SA, she was just on steroids and antibiotics, and it was attacking her eyes, so the poor dog had to wear a bucket for ages. This was the beginning of a really bad attack on her eyes… she...