Hilma and SA – summary

Hilma and SA – summary

Hilda, 13th of May 2009 –  5th of July 2015 I have not written here for a while and now that Hilma has passed away I decided to write shortly some summary on my experiences on Sebaceous Adenitis and my experiences on living with a dog with this illness. As a...
Hilma’s summer condition 2014

Hilma’s summer condition 2014

There has been quite a while since I wrote here A lot has happened since in our lives: Hilma had a new baby brother Rasmus in March! Here are some pictures of these two then: Rasmus Rasmus is a really nice boy with a stable and easy temperament. And that was what I...
Washing and oiling routines

Washing and oiling routines

Status report Here is a pic of Hilma’s condition today. Looking pretty nice in my own opinion. Allerdem spot-on, and not oil I bought new product Allerderm Spot-on, which I use on her head on infected part. I have planned that I won’t oil at all until I...
Bad, bad autumn

Bad, bad autumn

Some changes on Hilma’s situation Since last post in the end of the summer we have had some changes on Hilma’s situation. Hilma was sterilized on endoscopy in the beginning of September. All went fine and Hilma was back on her normal condition in about...