Thank you for sharing information about SA

2015, Oct, 15 | AKAYA-SA & more | 0 comments


Mineral Oil baths

I have been giving Akaya Mineral Oil baths every week, around Friday of each week. I have noticed the top of her back looking dry, so I feel like she needs them every week.

I am going to try waiting two weeks this time if by Monday she is looking too dry I will give her a bath on that day, that would be a few days longer than normal.

From depressed to happy

She is very energetic and very happy, I did not realize how depressed and weak she was. I think when you are with your pets every day you may not notice there personality changes. It’s the same as our family members sometimes we don’t notice the small changes until it is in your face.

I truly believe the program I have stayed with consistently every day has made her better.

Antibiotics for secondary infections

The supplements the baths all of the above treatment. She has about 13 more days left on her antibiotics which I think have helped with any secondary infections while the sores were open.

No more vaccination or heart worm shots

I went and visited my vet in OKC and we have decided not to give Akaya any more vaccination or shots for heart worms as they can have an adverse reaction to her condition, possibly causing a flair up. We are going to give her oral medication for her heart worms insted.

I am also researching and alternate choice for flea and tick treatment that would be natural and not harmful to her. My Vet Dr reeves says he will type a letter for me to give to our county to cover Akaya as we have to have them licensed and registered with Norman Animal Welfare.

Tag on not having updated rabies shots

I am also going to have a tag made explaining why she does not have updated rabies tag and put the information about her SA on it in case she was ever to get out; and they won’t give her any shots or medication.

Thank you

I am so very happy that she is feeling better, I will continue all her care forever, I think that is the key to keeping this under control. I know whoever reads this it will give them hope that their baby can get better and can have a very healthy happy long life. I want to thank the people before me for posting information on the Web, the Akita Web sites you saved my girls life.


Tracey Viney

Tracey Viney

A devoted animal advocate and Vegan volunteering at a Dog Rescue. I’m married, also living with Akita Biggan (male) Akita Akaya (girl), parrot Sunny. I’m originally from England but have lived in America for over 34 years. I was heartbroken when Akaya was diagnosed with SA.I thought I was going to lose her until I came across the Akita Unleashed website, and the stories gave me so much hope I just jumped right on it did not waist a day. I got everything that the owners suggested and got to work because, I was told by many that there was no cure the best and most humane thing would be to put her out of her misery. But she's my baby. No that's not in her or my plan for life. I was going to make my baby better just as the stories showed me. This is a life commitment to her from me that she will have a happy healthy life until she becomes an old lady with me. I know there is a possibility of breakouts but I truly believe if I continue to bath her and give her medications, the possibilities are far less. You have to stay on it forever. Never slake... this is part of our life now.

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