After some years with Atopic Dermatitis (allergies)

2014, Sep, 08 | KUMI - Atopic Dermatitis & more | 0 comments

Kumi has now the best coat ever in her life

This is despite the fact that she is living with Atopic Dermatitis (allergies).

Still she had some unbalanced skin in forehead this passed weeks. Quite dry skin and a small area close to her right eye like an open hole in the skin where blood and pus came out. It was important to keep the wound open and clean and now the wound is dry and the infection is gone.

At the same time Kumi was licking her paws more than before she got this unbalanced period. I gave her some days with Cortavance spray. She seems to be much better today and hope it will last for some time now.

Lina Johansson

Lina Johansson

My name is Lina Johansson and I live in Sweden. I have had Akitas since the year 2006. At the moment I own three Akitas - Ninjo, Kumi and Naomi. I am very found of Akitas and I really want them to be a healthy and great family member. Why not also in the future a dog that you can use for tracking, hunting, guarding or any other useful work! That will make them even more valuable for us! Let us work together! Kind regards Lina

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