Washing and oiling routines

2014, Mar, 02 | HILMA - SA & more | 1 comment

Status report

Here is a pic of Hilma’s condition today.

Looking pretty nice in my own opinion.

Allerdem spot-on, and not oil

I bought new product Allerderm Spot-on, which I use on her head on infected part.

I have planned that I won’t oil at all until I have used these pipettes. There is still three left of those so we’ll be having weekly washing periods with Keratolux shampoo and after those I am applying one pipette on her head and neck. After the first time I used these the skin calmed down in a day or two and the redness was significantly relieved. So, so far I have positive experiences on these.

After these are used I’ll have to plan what is suitable washing regimen for us, maybe once in a two or three weeks. Hilma is starting her shedding, so we’ll see what happens during that…

Anna Soininen

Anna Soininen

American akita owner from Finland struggling to get along with SA diseased dog.

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1 Comment

  1. Charlotte Steneloo

    I am really interested in the Allerdem Spot-on (got recommendations from a friend who used it on a cat). It is interesting it seems to work as “promised”. I was also thinking of using them when the skin is “fighting” but I will wait and see how it works for Hilma first 😉

    I also want to try “X” a certain period of time and then evaluate before I switch to “Y”. /Charlotte


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