Everyday name of dog: Casper
Name on pedigree: Milstolpen’s French Red Stonefly
Registration number: S11729/2006
Date of birth: 2005-11-30
Date of death: 2009-03-16
Japanese, American or Blend (Any type of “Akita”): Japanese
Parents (full pedigree-name):
father: Kintos Mikado Beni-Go
mother: R’Keiko D L Vallee D Dragons Sacres
Full pedigree: Swedish database , global database – akitapedigree.com
Off-spring: –
Issues/diagnosis and date/period – diagnosed: –
(HD)AD/ED: HD=A (2007-07-30) (possible in Sweden are: A, B, C, D, E)
Eyes: Eyes=CLEAR (2007-07-03)
Blood sample sent for research (SA): –
NOTES: Probably auto-immune disease. Read Casper’s story. Use Google translate (bar or copy/paste)
Last updated: 2012 20th of December
Original text: English
Responsible for this information is: Måna Quist Ericsson