Keep clean, moisturise, protect…start over

2013, Jun, 20 | MANUEL - SA & more | 1 comment

…and repeat

We have tried a variation of “treatments” and aids for Manuel. So far this seems to work the best for him.

The skin

  1.  Keep the affected skin (inflammation, SA-in an aggressive state) clean from bacteria/fungus using chlorhexidine. If necessary during heavy periods getting help using antibiotics (when heavy spring shedding). Using hydro cortisone whenever/anti-fungus ointment etc. etc. whatever is needed for that special area.
  2.  Moisturise the dry parts of the skin (skin-lotion) Today we got Aloe Vera from a friend of ours and will carefully test this. She uses it for her Akita with atopic dermatitis with good result (yes she will write about it).
  3.  Protect the dry skin with oil (replacing the protection the skin normally has, but that is gone due to the SA). Not using oil on inflamed part.

 In reality this means that I have to use both 1, 2 and 3 in different areas at the same time as SA is active in a various of phases of the cycle in different places.

We do not use any kind of shampoo what so ever. No matter what component added that is supposed to “moisturise” it is still a shampoo and therefore dries the skin. No matter what the veterinarian says (and he know that) wink . In my former career I worked as hair-stylist 100% and that has lead me to not use shampoo at all. I use only conditioner with a great result on both hair and skin. My scalp is now in full balance.

By the way, he is now reacting when the rain hits his back – he hasn’t felt that before. His coat used to be so functioning – rejecting snow, rain and dirt.

Charlotte Steneloo

Charlotte Steneloo

Akita owner from Sweden working for openness regarding health issues. One of the founders of Akita-Unleashed. I consider "experience" to be good, that is - if you have opened your mind for change and actually have learnt something, otherwise claiming you are "experienced" means nothing to me... I dare you.

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1 Comment

  1. Anna Soininen

    I’m so sorry to read and see how much Manuel’s condition has deteriorated… Though Manuel seems to be in good mood after all. Maybe we humans just think the situation is bad because of the look of the dog. As I once said, what’s the point with the coat, it just makes oiling difficult, now it is easier :). And the dog does not mind of his coat, we humans are the ones who are so shallow.

    Every loving thought to you and Manuel.


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