Before SA – no ear issues at all
Manuel has never ever had any issues what so ever his ears, not even when bathing. His ears have alway been highly functional.
- I have never removed any hairs inside them.
- I cleaned them when going to shows, but there was no really need for it
I missed out on the very first SA-sign
I feel ashamed as I did not react more spring 2012 when I found out that his external ear/ear lap was greasy and thereof also dirty. This was the first “attack” on the glands in the ears which made the glands over-produce sebum. It was like their “last fight” that later on resulted in dead glands and very very dry ears.
Issues with very dry ears
What kind of problems does lack of balance and a dryness cause?
Well there is no grease to transport any dust – “up and out” from the ear. This results in a dry itchy and dirty ear. Of course one can clean the external ear/ear lap with oil with a great result, but the real problem is the inner ear/ear canal where you not should be poking around.
I use my finger covered in cotton wool and has made that a “rule” as how far down I can go. Now I have small fingers, but still.
So far the excess oil has been enough to keep the ear canal in an acceptable condition.
Today I had to decide to use an ear cleanser. I just had to help him as he has been rubbing the side of his head against our legs clearly showing it is uncomfortable and dry inside the ears. This way I could get some cleansing in the ear canal without poking around.
The lack of sebum/grease makes it hard for the ear to get rid of dirt and dust.