Exciting news – two research initiatives!

2013, Mar, 27 | -Research | 0 comments

 Two new studies on auto immune diseases

As you might know the SA study in Germany is on hold for two years since spring 2012, but they still want to receive blood samples. Read about it at www.wuac.info and look in the menu to the left for: “NEWS” and then “23.05.2012 Report: W.U.A.C. Meeting”

Recently two new studies are started (American and Japanese Akitas.) One in Finland, and one in France. We will publish info from both of them whenever we get hold of news in English.

Please read through the info they will provide and see what you can do.

Please read about what the studies need. It could be different kind of samples and  pedigrees from both sick and healthy dogs.

The studies are nothing, without input data.


Saija will publish info about the Finnish project.

Guillaume will publish a link to the French research Center where you can find info about their project.



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