Kumi has very dry skin and almost no undercoat
However, she still has some undercoat around the neck left.
- She is itching her body a lot and biting her legs about a hundred times a day.
- Her ears are very dry and dirty.
- She has got one claw that is a bit brown in color but despite of that she has no more problems with her paws at the moment.
I do help her by putting some olive oil on her coat and skin and also much oil in the food. Today she got a really good cleaning of the ears basicly with baby oil but also with a mild ear cleaner for dogs.
I will countinue to follow her development and keep you posted.
My vet once said to me that dogs can’t digest vegetable oils, so there is hardly no use to give them these. I don’t know if this is true, but at least in SA brochures what are suggested are omega3 and 6 fatty acids. In SA treatments there is suggested primrose oil and that is as far as I know vegetable oil, so I don’t know for sure about this… So I’ll leave you this mixed up comment :).
Maybe that is true! But when my Akitas eat fresh food they’ll get very dry poop if they do not get oil in the food. Hm.. why not try “animal” butter…
I have heard from a vet that extra oil in the food are no problem and that could be with your theory because “it runs straight through” 🙂
I forgot! Sometimes I do give them fish oil 🙂 They seems to like it and doing well with that, but I do not see any differences between sunflower-, olive- rapeseed oil compared with fish oil…
When my dog had allergies, I gave her this: http://ovedshorseandpetstore.com.au/Dog-Products/Oils-feed-Dog/2530-Megaderm-8ml-x-28-Virbac.html. That is the best oil product I have found so far for dogs. It takes about month for it to start working.