Everyday name of dog: Kia
Name on pedigree: Noven’s L-Tashy
Registration number: S70941/2007
Date of birth: 20071111
Date of death: –
Japanese, America Akita or Blend (Any type of “Akita”): Japanese
Parents (full pedigree-name): Sire: Shugotenshi-Go Dam: Noven’s Buiku
Full pedigree: Akita Pedigree – global database, Swedish kennel club database
Off-spring: – Issues/diagnosis and date/period – diagnosed:
- Allergies. General test made – positive result in the group of mite/mold/insects.
(HD)AD/ED: 2009 AD= A, 2009 ED=No remarks
Eyes: –
Blood sample sent for research (SA): No
NOTES: Thyroid gland tests: FT4 (free T4) 10.2 7.7 – 47.6 pmol/l T4 (total T4) 18 12.9 – 60.5 nmol/l 2) December 2010
Last updated: 20130207 (name changed 20200730)
Original text: English
Responsible for this information is: Johanna Larsson