Everyday name of dog: Sebastian
Name on pedigree : Amateraso no Sennin
Registration number:ccc
Date of birth: 1995-03-28
Date of death: 2009
Japanese, America Akita or Blend (Any type of “Akita”): Akita
Parents (full pedigree-name): Ch Enzuro Go Simokita and Ch Ängsmyrens Chirakawa No Akiba
Full pedigree: Global database – Akita pedigree, The Swedish Kennel club database,
Off-spring: none
Issues/diagnosis and date/period – diagnosed:
autoimmune encephalitis
HD, AD/ED: HD no remarks , AD/ED no remarks
Eyes: no remarks
Blood sample sent for research (SA): No, didn’t exist then.
NOTES: Lived until high age in surprisingly good condition.
Last updated: 2012-12-17 Original text: English Responsible for this information is: Lotte Lekholm