Name on pedigree: Tanaka no Niwa of Amayadori Ken
Registration number: VDH/AC/07/02201965
Date of birth: 5th september 2007
Date of death: –
Japanese, America Akita or Blend (Any type of “Akita”): Japanese
Parents (full pedigree-name): Sire: L’Shogun of Amayadori Ken
Dam: Senyrou go Musashi Aiwa
Full pedigree: The global pedigree database
Off-spring: None
Issues/diagnosis and date/period – diagnosed: SA 2009 1,5 years old, Biopsie taken
(HD)AD/ED: HD = A1 (2008)
Eyes: –
Blood sample sent for research (SA): yes! to Dr. Ina Pfeiffer, Kassel
NOTES: Tani’s mother Shiki was diagnosed VKH in 2011
Last updated: 2012 18th of December Original text: English Responsible for this information is: Sonja Rademacher